Saturday, 1 June 2019

A life update...hello again!

It’s a been a while since my last post on this blog (nearly a year!) so I wanted to do a bit of a re-introduction! I’ve updated my ‘about me’ section and here is a little pic of my face so you can see who is behind this blog! Definitely not a professional photo and I have damp hair here! But it’s real. No filter, no editing. 

A lot has been happening for me in the last year. The main thing being I’ve had a baby! Freya arrived in the most dramatic fashion (maybe more on that later) but she is gorgeous and it’s like she’s always been part of the clan! (If you’d like to see her then head over to my highlights on Instagram). From reading my previous posts you may be aware I had an ectopic last May so we were delighted and very shocked to fall pregnant a month after! 

So back to blogging, I’ve been very much taking a ‘no pressure to post’ approach and although I haven’t been active on here I’ve been using Instagram as my main source of blogging. I post almost daily over there and have really been getting into the swing of things. Hence my desire to return to this page and bring them both together again. 

I’m guilty of admitting it simply came down to the fact it’s quicker and more direct to upload reviews and content on Instagram. Now as I’m growing and enjoying what I’m doing I feel like now is the time to get back to my website. I’m proud of my tiny space on the internet and I’ve been deliberating for some time about when to come back to it. One thing is for sure, it’s certainly a whole lot easier to write detailed reviews on here than try and fit everything in the caption space IG provides! 

Anyway the plan is to upload my reviews and larger style content here but use Instagram for the smaller features and daily routines!

Recently I changed the style of my photos and now I’m finally getting to a place where I’m happy with my photos. I’m definitely not a pro and I will never be one of these people that can create amazing flatlays and layouts but I am enjoying playing around with it. I was bought a lovely new camera for my birthday last year so have been experimenting with that in rotation with my iPhone. 

In the coming weeks you shall see some new posts from me. Mainly beauty reviews but I’d also like to perhaps throw some lifestyle/baby content into the mix! I’ve been fortunate enough to be involved in some exciting collaborations so will be aiming to upload my thoughts about the new things I’ve been trying. 

If there is anything you would like to know or you’d like me to post about, then please write them in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks for reading xx

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